Flyt Club
Flyt Club FAQ's
Who can join FLYT Club?
Any key adults in your child’s life. Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, Mom, Dad, legal guardian, etc.
Can you explain the four components and how they work?
1. Children’s Education happens every day as kids learn.
2. PACT Time-parent and child together time.
- This component is time you spend learning side by side with your child in class for 15 minutes to an hour. If your child is doing a word sort, you will do the word sort; if your child is engaged in a rich discussion about a story whole class, you will do the same, etc.
- A time to talk with the principal about what you experienced will also be scheduled after each session. PACT Time at Mesa View will be every Tuesday.
- We may be able to find an alternative if you cannot join us for PACT Time during the school day, but we encourage you to try to make it on Tuesday.
3. Parent Time-This time is scheduled either during or outside of the school day, depending on the needs of the group. During this time, you meet with other parents to grow your skills and knowledge around parenting, based on what the group needs. For example, you may learn about positive discipline, helping your child cope with peer pressure, or family nutrition.
4. Adult Education-This time is for you to receive support achieving your learning dreams. Want help getting a GED, learning another language, or improving your resume and interview skills? This is the time and we will help connect you with the resources to make it happen. If you are already in adult education of some kind, for example you are taking classes already, weekly documentation counts toward adult education and you do not need to do anything extra.
When does it start?
PACT Time will begin in mid to late October. The other components will be up and running no later than January
of 2024.
How much time will it take?
The program runs yearlong. The weekly time it takes equals about one night’s sleep, so up to two hours a week
for PACT Time, two hours a week for Parent Time, and four hours a week to work toward your adult education
Why should I invest time in this program?
So many reasons! Here are a few:
- The research is compelling. When families commit to this program, they can achieve their goals and
better support their children’s education.
- When compared to a like group, children whose families participated in this program exceeded in their academic performance, behaved better in the classroom, and demonstrated more motivation to learn, compared to those who did not participate.
- Thanks to adult education, grownups have the support and connections to further their personal goals.
- Families who participate have the opportunity to form connections with other families.
Interested but not sure yet? Schedule a phone call or in person meeting with Ms. Cohen. All in and ready to
start? Call the office and we will get you signed up! Office Phone (970)254-7970